
Flickr creative commons videos
Flickr creative commons videos

flickr creative commons videos

It’s missing the information about the Creative Commons license and a link.Įxample 2. If you grab an image from Flickr you can choose the “Blog This” option which will give you the title, the author, and links to both images and user profile. So what does a perfect attribution look like? How do you include all that information?Įxample 1. People like to know when others are using their works or citing them. Flickr doesn’t provide trackbacks, if you don’t tell them you used it they may never know. Leave a comment on the image, send them an email, a Flickrmail whatever. If you are making a derivative word or adaptation, in addition to the above, you need to identify that your work is a derivative work i.e., “This is a Finnish translation of the by.credit the author, licensor and/or other parties (such as a wiki or journal) in the manner they specify.keep intact any copyright notices for the Work.

flickr creative commons videos

According to Creative Commons you need to: You need to follow the guidelines set by the license. Since then I’ve been doing my research and here is the results – The correct way to credit a photo. Yes, the absolute correct way! I previously asked how you credit a CC photo from Flickr.

Flickr creative commons videos